Falun Gong Practitioners
in Malaysia Sued Information Officer of China Embassy and Sin Chew
Daily for Defamation
On 4 November 2004, Falun Dafa Research Centre Berhad,
the legal entity of Falun Dafa in Malaysia and 17 other Falun Gong
practitioners filed a defamation suit against the Information Officer
in China Embassy, Sun Xiang Yang and Sin Chew Daily for issuing and
publishing a defamatory article in Sin Chew Daily which is published
on 18 February 2004.
Falun Gong practitioners in Malaysia strongly protest
over the Sin Chew article that stated Falun Gong as a heretic sect
that propagates heresy and sophistries and deceive kind hearted people.
The statement was done maliciously and with an intention to the plaintiffs.
The article caused readers to understand that Falun Gong practitioners
are dishonest and lacking in integrity. The article has seriously
defamed the plaintiffs and cause Falun Gong practitioners to be brought
into public scandal, odium and contempt.
Falun Gong practitioners are of the opinion that is absolutely defamatory
to classify Falun Gong a belief that follows the principles of “Truthfulness,
Compassion and Tolerance” as a heretic sect organization. Therefore,
legal action is necessary for upholding justice and clarifying the
truth of Falun Dafa to the public.
Renowned human rights lawyer in Malaysia, Sivarasa Rasiah is the solicitor
for the plaintiffs.